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Charles Caswell

Co-Founder, Past Treasurer

Charles Caswell began his 9 year Army Career on June 8, 1998 as an enlisted soldier. He medically retired due to combat injuries on May 15, 2007.

Sgt. Caswell has participated in military and civilian education opportunities. He has completed an Associates degree in Applied Science in Graphic Design from Kalamazoo Valley Community College. Sgt. Caswell has also completed the Primary Leadership Development Course at Fort Knox, KY, OSUT (One Station Unit Training) at Fort Knox KY to be a Calvary Scout, AIT (Advanced Individual Training) at Fort Jackson, SC to be an Administrative Specialist, and Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson, SC. 

During his career Sgt. Caswell was a Section Sergeant, Squad leader, Training Room NCO (non-commissioned officer), NBC Room NCO, Brigade Awards Clerk, Brigade Mailroom NCO, Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) Commander, Humvee Commander, Humvee .50 Cal Gunner, BFV Driver, Brigade Colonel’s driver and Brigade Command Sergeant Major driver, Fort Jackson Post Color Guard and Salute Battery gunner. 

Sgt. Caswell was assigned to the following units. HHC 1/15 IN 3rd ID Ft. Benning, GA, C TRP 4/7 Cavalry 2nd IN Division S. Korea, C. Co and A. Co 46th AG BN Ft. Knox KY, B. Co Task Force Victory, Ft. Jackson S.C. 

Sgt. Caswell’s awards and decorations include the Purple Heart, ARCOM (4th award), AAM (7th award) GCM (2nd award) National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korea Defense Service Medal, NCO Professional Ribbon, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (2nd Award) Combat Action Badge, Driver and Mechanic Badge.

"I am a combat wounded veteran with severe PTSD and cognitive impairment, both of which are residual effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). I have a beautiful family, three beautiful healthy children, and a strong loving wife of 13 years; without her I wouldn’t be where I am today. I also have two German Shepherd’s and a Gold adore which is my service dog. During my steps of Rehabilitation, I started doing photography as a way to get out of the house, to get out of the shell inside of myself that makes me feel safe. As my photography improved I started to push myself more and started taking classes. I am now registered with Professional Photographers of America. I am slowly working to establish myself as a photographer in my area."

Please make checks payable to Warriors and Caregivers United and mail to

W. A. C. U., PO Box 1586, Ann Arbor, MI 48106

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Warriors and Caregivers United is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt public charity.

Contact John Kinzinger at or Stephanie Hall  at

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Warriors and Caregivers United is a tax-exempt public charity. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

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